Fusionbase offers a fast and easy to use API to get data live from sources like Eurostat and more.
Access all Eurostat datasets live through one API and never miss any updates or new data being published.
Every dataset is already cleaned, versioned and annotated with metadata, so you can start working with it right away.
Delivered in portable JSON format for maximum usability, ease of integration, and compatibility with any of your applications.
Besides Eurostat you can access thousands of other datasets in the Fusionbase Data Hub from various sources around the world.
Leverage all datapoints from Eurostat to enrich your analytics, machine-learning models or applications.
Every dataset is delivered in well-defined JSON Format and annotated with metadata. Just make a request using the simple URL structure, and let our API do the rest for you.
//example query to list all datasets
? data_id = Eurostat
& topic = "ESG"
& query = "{"updated_at" ">2021", "coverage": ["USA", "CHN", "RUS", "IND", "DE"]}"
// API returns a list of all datasets to a given source like Eurostat
//example query to fetch a dataset
? data_id = ASOCK.ESCG4
& query = "{"updated_at" ">2021", "coverage": ["USA", "CHN", "RUS", "IND", "DE"]}"
& unify = true
& export = true
& melt = true
& format = "csv"
// API returns the full dataset from Eurostat
//example query to fetch metadata
? data_id = ASOCK.ESCG4
& translate = "{"en": {"to": "de"}}"
& summarize_descriptions = true
& format = "json"
// API returns all metadata to a given dataset from Eurostat
Proudly delivering reliable, clean and real-time data from thousands of high quality sources.